Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Food, Faith, Family, Friends, Fellowship and Fun!

Sitting down, here at my desk, and opening a blank 'new post' screen, for the first time in more than a few months, comforts me with that familiar nostalgic feeling I get when thinking "what am I going to post today"; jolts me with a bolt of adrenaline created excitement from anticipating "what am I going to post today"; and simultaneously fills me with that kind of nervous and sort of sick feeling that washes over me from the anxiety I create around 'what am I going to post today'?
If you are a return visitor, you may recall the previous incarnation of Kitchen Centsability, "Amy's Dinner: 365 Days of What I Have for Dinner".  It was my contribution to the movement aimed at reincarnating that throw back, time tested tradition, of getting the family around the table at dinnertime.  As a home cook, I made my best attempt at illustrating the ease at which cooks of all levels could make a budget minded, easy, delicious, healthier, fun meal for themselves and their family.  To that end, I faithfully posted what I had for dinner every consecutive night for one year! 
Upon completion of my year long blogging odyssey, I was content at fulfilling my commitment but also relieved that I was freed of my self imposed daily posting requirement. However, there is a certain sense of gratification I found I missed as a result of sharing something I am passionate about with others.  There is no doubt, I am passionate about food and cooking!  Actually, I think I'm obsessed. My first thoughts in the morning revolve around the planning and anticipation of the upcoming day's meals and my final thoughts relive the days culinary treats just before drifting off to sleep. I perpetually watch cooking shows, leaf through food magazines, flip through cookbooks and browse internet recipes.  I dawdle down the international foods aisle of the grocery store and peruse the specialty food sections of my favorite shopping haunt. 
However, there are other issues, topics, subjects, people, beliefs and things about which I am also equally passionate. Once I came to that understanding, it was an effortless decision to incorporate my hodgepodge, jumble, ragout, hash of passions, thoughts and ideas into this forum. But, what to call it?  You know, it just so happens, that there is a word that fits just this here situation to perfection. That word is 'Gallimaufry'.  It is defined as 'a mid 16th century word meaning a confused jumble or medley of things such as a ragout or hash'.  Exactly, and it even relates back to the whole food theme! 
So, in addition to a whole lotta food and cooking, I will also provide a few dashes of my favorite ingredients: faith, family, friends, fellowship, and fun! 

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