Thursday, September 2, 2010

"Anticpating Autumn" Salad

Even though we have not yet begun to feel to the first chills of Fall (though I understand I will in the next day to two), apples have started appearing in the supermarket just as Summer's peaches are fading away.  While I wish Summer would stick around forever, I do look forward to a change in seasonal produce and welcome the reappearance of one of my favorite of Autumn's bounties.  This salad is a potpourri of Fall ingredients and flavors and is the perfect match with a simple roasted chicken.

"Anticipating Autumn" Salad 
Romaine lettuce, chopped
1 apple of choice, diced (I used Pink Lady)
red onion, sliced
blue cheese, crumbled
home made croutons
balsamic vinegar
extra virgin olive oil

Wash and dry lettuce very well.  Chop and place in a large salad bowl.  Add chopped crunchy apple, sliced red onion, just toasted pecans, crumbled bits of tangy blue cheese and home made croutons.  Dress lightly right over the bowl with balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.  Season with salt and pepper and toss well to combine. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That looks great! I want some right now!!! Great blog. Glad I found you.
