Sunday, August 22, 2010

Roasted Corn, Heirloom Tomato and Habanero Salsa

This is that most wonderful time of year when there is such an abundance of seasonal Summer vegetables that we have waited all year to enjoy.  Sometimes, in fact, there is so much either from an over eager trip to the farm stand or from a bumper crop in our own gardens that we wonder what in the world to do with it.  Living in northern Indiana we are surrounded by corn and, while most of the fields are harvested for feed, we still have our share of sweet corn.  In fact, in the midst of Summer I always have more sweet corn than I could ever possibly eat alone due to the prepackaged 1/2 dozen or dozen parcels my local farm stand sells. As most who read my blog on even a somewhat consistent basis knows, I love salsa, so I could come up with no better way to incorporate my plentiful produce into a delicious and healthy treat than fresh and fiery salsa.

Roasted Corn, Heirloom Tomato and Habanero Salsa 
1ear sweet corn, husk and silk removed
2 large ripe Heirloom tomatoes, quartered
1/2 red onion
1 habanero pepper
1 clove garlic
juice of 1 lime
small handful fresh cilantro

Preheat your grill to high.  Season the tomatoes, corn and habanero pepper with a little canola oil, salt and pepper.  Place the tomatoes, corn and hot pepper on the grill and cook until a nice bit a char develops and the vegetables soften slightly. To prepare the habanero, cut it in half and remove the veins and seeds being extra careful not to touch your face after handling.  Place the 1/2 of the seeded and vein habanero (you can add more but start slow), tomatoes, raw onion, garlic clove, lime juice, cilantro and salt into a food processor.  Pulse until vegetables are well incorporated and evenly chopped.  With a sharp knife, cut the kernels from the ear of corn and add it to the salsa.  Stir in by hand so as not to break up the kernels with the blade of the food processor. Serve immediately or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 24 hours. 



  1. That is so pretty I would want it out on my counter dor decor, lovely

  2. This looks so great. I am hosting a "Canning Week Blog Party" on my blog this week and have a linky party going which this post would be perfect for. I hope you will stop by and link up!

  3. I love this and canning is definitely on the forefront of my mind these days.

  4. Mmm, this is sooo my kind of recipe. Since I've got a billion tomatoes right now (am I being hyperbolic?), this would be a great one to can. Thanks for sharing with Two for Tuesday.

  5. Gawd Amy....drooooool!! I love the sound of this salsa...I totally want to slather it on some chicken tacos...tostadas...flautas...anything! Thanks so much for sharing it w/ Two for Tuesdays this week =)

  6. What a great healthy salsa recipe. I love that you use Habanero for a kick of heat.

  7. Amers! I am starting to make my own salsa and I have some fresh corn in the fridge. Will make a batch of yours, question though, can I use a jalapeno or a chipotle instead? We are in New England and habaneros only come dried...Thanks for linking to the two for tuesday blog hop! :) Alex@amoderatelife

  8. Oh, that salsa just screams deliciousness! thanks for linking this to Two for Tuesdays!
