Monday, August 9, 2010

Mixed Grill with Dill Marinated Vegetables and Roasted Potatoes

Each and every week prior to our family gathering at my mom's house on Sunday afternoon for dinner, she spends an exorbitant amount of time contemplating her menu in an attempt to please all people's palates.  Obviously an impossible task, particularly in our family, as some love salad while others will not touch a green vegetable and some are cheese lovers and others are haters.  We even have those on crazy diets which prohibit such staples as wheat gluten and even protein.  How in the world, then, do you prepare a meal that fits into these ridiculous parameters, you ask?  Only with the expertise of a well experienced mom who has the culinary chops to include a vegetable dish which doubles as a salad, roasted potatoes which pleases all, a juicy rib eye, a couple of tenderloin steaks and a few boneless skinless chicken breasts thrown in for good measure.  

The dill marinated vegetables has been one of my very favorite dishes since I can remember.  I must admit to being the one, the only one, in the family does not enjoy cooked vegetables so I generally prepare my own salad when we all get together for dinner.  My brother loves vegetables but hates salad and everyone else is happy to eat either one or both.  Therein lies the reason this dish is so successful in our house, it is the perfect intermingling of vegetable and salad and, most importantly, it is so delicious and everyone (and I really mean everyone) loves it!!!   

Dill Marinated Vegetables

Cut up broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, fresh mushrooms, cucumbers and any other favorite fresh vegetables, into bite size pieces.  Place in a large mixing bowl. Prepare marinade.

1 cup canola oil
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon dill (fresh or dried, if using fresh increase amount)
1 tablespoon garlic salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt

Mix ingredients together and pour over vegetables.  Mix well and chill for at least 6 hours and preferably overnight.

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