Friday, July 23, 2010

Leftovers! Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner in July

I took the opportunity to enjoy the ridiculous amount of leftovers which I have accumulated over the course of this week.  Admittedly, it was a delightful change of pace to not have to cook and still have a fabulous meal.  Occasionally, leftovers are good when they are not reinvented or repurposed but just as is.  My 1.5 lb boneless skinless turkey breast, on which I spent amount $8.00, contributed a Rachel Sandwich on Tuesday, Thanksgiving Dinner in July on Wednesday and this gorgeous plate of leftovers on Thursday. I also had one scrumptious turkey sandwich for lunch one day, as well.  A bargain, for sure, though I am rather "turkey'd out" so I do not think I'll be indulging again until the holidays!

1 comment:

  1. now I'm doing a happy dance, Thanks giving in July!!!!! my wife would shoot of course I Barbecued great is it Turkey and stuffing, now thats truly comfort food!
