Monday, July 28, 2014

LITTLE HELP! My Photographs Are Finalists for Inclusion in the 2015 Conservatory Calendar...PLEASE VOTE!

One of my favorite things to do is visit and photograph our animals friends at the zoo!  This year, 3 of the photographs I took while visiting this past spring, are being considered for inclusion in the 2015 Conservatory Calendar.

It we a huge boost to me, if you would take just a second of time to click on the links below and "like" the photograph for a vote for me!

Thank you for taking the time! Your support is appreciated more than you know.

Results at the end of August 2014.  I will be the first to let you know how it goes!

Mr. Macaw

Mr. Sichuan Takin

Mr. Smiley the Alligator 


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