Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Eve Ciopinno and the "365 Days of What I Have For Dinner" Finale!

Isn't it a really great feeling when you set out to do something that often ends up being a bigger commitment than originally thought and half way through you're not sure if you can pull it off, but you stick to it anyway and in the end the finished product is even better than you could have possibly ever imagined? That's precisely how I am feeling tonight!  I set out on a whim last New Year's Day to blog about what I, a relatively normal person (who, admittedly, is obsessed with cooking) could realistically put together every night for dinner (for 1 year) that was easy, healthful, budget conscious and delicious.  The goal, I guess, was to complete the challenge, contribute something that the readers would actually enjoy and perhaps gleen some useful information from, to have fun and to meet other fabulous foodies.  Well, I completed the task (YAY!), I had more fun than I honestly would have thought, I met so many fantastic people and I hope you, the reader, enjoyed it too and perhaps took away a tasty recipe at the same time.   

So, now that the year is over, what does that mean for "Amy's Dinner"?  First and foremost, it means a cookbook!!! I hope. Beyond that, I don't know.  I am certain that I want to continue cooking, writing recipes and photographing, but I am not sure exactly how to proceed with the blog.  What do you think?  As the reader you are the one who is important and I would like to get some input and receive suggestions from you.  I have thought about gimmicks (a traditional or regional recipe from each state) but, honestly, that feels a little fake and forced. Perhaps I could write some more detailed instructions based on dishes requested by you, the reader.  I could include a shopping list, additional photos, maybe a video or two and detailed instructions with corresponding photos.  Does that sound interesting?  Let me know....SERIOUSLY!  Perhaps I should continue with another "365 Days of What I Have for Dinner".  It's up to you! Feel free to comment here, send me an email to or leave a comment on my facebook page.  In any case, I think I'll take a few weeks off to regroup and maybe redesign the page a bit.  I'll plan on being back the middle of January!  Thank you for reading, it never ceases to amaze me that people are actually out there visiting.  I am sooooo appreciative of each reader and commenter!  Thanks, again, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

1 onion, halved and sliced
1 fennel bulb, sliced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon hot pepper flakes
1/3 cup olive oil
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1/2 cup dry white wine
1/2 box good quality fish stock (Kitchen Basics is a good brand)
1 can best quality crush or whole tomatoes
fresh thyme
fennel frons, chopped
fresh parsley chopped
1/2 pound shrimp, shelled and cleaned
1 tilapia fillet, cut in 2 inch cubes
1 pound mussels, cleaned
4 crab claws, cracked

In a large dutch oven, heat olive oil and hot pepper flakes over medium high heat.  Saute onions and fennel for about 10 minutes until cooked down and soft.  Add garlic and saute for just a minute to release the aroma.  Incorporate tomato paste and season with salt and pepper.  Deglaze the pot with white wine and let the alcohol cook down for about 3 - 5 minutes.  Add fish stock, canned tomatoes and thyme, breaking up the tomatoes with a wooden spoon.  Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer.  Let broth simmer for approximately 20 - 30 minutes. 

Just before serving, turn the heat up until broth rapidly boils.  Add crab claws, cover and simmer for 5 minutes or so.  Next add fish, shrimp and mussels.  Nestle the seafood in the broth so that they are virtually covered.  Cover and let cook for about 5 minutes or until fish and shrimp is cooked through and the mussels have all opened (discard any which have not).  Garnish with fennel frons and fresh parsley. 


  1. I, for one, have thoroughly enjoyed reading about your culinary adventures and hope the blog continues in some form. It's been particularly good to see that you ate real food, rather than Hamburger Helper glorified a bit! You've shown people that it doesn't take a huge budget, a personal chef, or hours of time to prepare lovely food to reward yourself at the end of the day ....

  2. Mimi - CONGRATULATIONS!!! You did such a terrific job! I have SOOO enjoyed reading your wonderful recipes and occasionally watching you prepare them. I thank you for letting me be a small part (Sunday's at Nan's) of your blog. I can't wait for your cookbook!
    Happy New Year and I Love Your!!! XXX

  3. I have really enjoyed your blog and would most certainly love a cookbook. Your ribs have become a go-to favorite. Congratulations on your accomplishment.

  4. Hi .. my name is MARIMI,,, is the first visit to your blog and I love to light new and different recipes like yours,,, I invite you to visit my blog and share mine. ... From VIGO SPAIN SALUDOS.

  5. I just discovered your blog today. I'll have to scroll back through the past year an check out all your recipes! They look delicious. I just started my own version of the 365 days of dinner blog. I hope mine is as successful as yours :) Happy New Year!

  6. Looks yummy, thanks for sharing.

  7. I just found your blog and became your newest follower! :) Great blog! :)

  8. Hello, my name is Irina, I'm Russian but I live in Italy for many years, I'm always looking for new friends and new recipes from around the world. A pleasure to meet you and your blog. I sign up as your following, and if you want to reciprocate and follow of my blog, I'd be happy! A hug, and the recipes look. . .


  9. Great! Your blog is pretty cool. I follow you!! :)

  10. Love this blog and love this recipe, my dad is a big fan of mussels so I may try this recipe for him one day when he comes to visit me! I wanted to let you know that I have tagged you in an Easter menu tag game, I was invited by the cajunlicious blogger. Please visit my blog to find out more and to participate.
    All the best, Natasha from the Rambles and Shambles blog!

  11. Brava! I was ill in January so I missed this installment. By all means, continue! Maybe you don't want to go through all the bother on a daily basis. Then, how about a "Best of Amy's Dinner" once or twice a week? Or how about a TV show for a local cable station?

  12. Amazing! Thnx for sharing this recipe, should try this someday!

  13. Great space you have here! I am following you for more great ideas and would like to invite you to my blog too :)

  14. Hello Amy! I was just passing by and suddenly caught my self having many inspiring ideas from your meals. Excellent blog! Paula, Brazil

  15. I glad I found your blog. As a dedicated foodie i am all about good food and great wine.
